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Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy


The church family recognizes that children, young people and vulnerable adults are an important part of church life, and need to be shown love, understanding, respect and acceptance.  By adopting the following Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy, we undertake to provide a caring, welcoming environment, which is enjoyable and safe for all, enabling everyone in the church to grow spiritually and emotionally, and share in the love of God.


Safe to Grow - Child Protection


The church family will:

  • Recognise its responsibility for the safeguarding of all, especially children and young people under the age of 18 (regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability)

  • Commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all children and young people associated with the church and pray for them regularly

  • Recognize that our work with children and young people is the responsibility of the whole church community

  • Take the necessary steps to reduce the opportunities for child abuse to take place

  • Undertake to exercise proper care in the selection, appointment, supervision and support of those working with children, whether paid or a volunteer

  • Undertake to resource and train those appointed into positions of responsibility with children

  • Accept and endorse the principles of the Children Act 1989 and 2004, and the guidelines and principles published by the Baptist Union of Great Britain in its booklet “Safe to Grow”

  • Maintain a Child Protection Team to review, monitor, supervise and support the work with children and young people within our church.  This team comprises Kate Baldwin, Neil Barker and Sharon MacPherson.


Safe to Belong – Vulnerable Adult Protection

The church family will:

  • Commit ourselves to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults and ensuring their well-being in the life of this church

  • Take responsibility to prevent the physical, emotional, sexual, financial and spiritual abuse of vulnerable adults and report any such abuse that is discovered or suspected

  • Undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of those who will work with vulnerable adults and commit to support, resource and train those who undertake this work

  • Adopt the guidelines of the Baptist Union of Great Britain published in its booklet “Safe to Belong

  • Ensure that each person who works with vulnerable adults will agree to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by this church.


    This policy was agreed and accepted by the church meeting on 8th July 2024 and will be reviewed on an annual basis.  DBS checks will be required for all regular workers with children and vulnerable adults.


    Signed:            Ian Hendry

                            on behalf of the church members


    Dated:             8th July 2024                       

    A copy of the “Safe to Grow” and “Safe to Belong” booklets are available in the office, or by requesting a copy from an elder or the safeguarding officer.

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