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Explore your faith...

Jesus is good news for everybody.  You don't have to be perfect to make God love you!

In fact, the Bible tells us that God's love is strong enough to accept us even when we have gone off on our own- or if we have never even thought about God much. Right now, at this very moment, God is waiting to hear from you.

It isn't about using special words, or doing so well that we can win a prize!  All God asks of us is that we come honestly, as we are, and receive his gift of love.  If we are willing to start there, God will help us on the rest of the journey of faith.  The links just below may be valuable if you are not sure what a Christian is, or if you want some help to work it all out then why not visit the websites at the bottom of the page.

May God bless you and help you in your spiritual search.  Please let us know how you get on-and if we can advise you in any way by contacting us and we will get in touch.

What are the “big ideas” that Christians stand for?

1. Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour of the whole world.
2. God’s revealed Truth needs to be known and obeyed.
3. God is LOVE and perfect love drives away fear.
4. Jesus died on the Cross so my sins could be forgiven. Then He came back to life.
5. We can enjoy a fresh start, a new life, through Jesus.
6. The Bible is God’s Word to us.
7. The Holy Spirit brings faith alive – God’s power on the INSIDE.
8. Being “religious” is not enough. Do I have a relationship with Jesus Christ that changes my life and my destiny?

Looking for life’s missing piece?


Try Jesus.



Note:  We respect the beliefs of others, and recognise that we are individually responsible for how we put our faith and philosophy into practice. Your religion or philosophy may be very different, and we may never agree; we will respect that, but ask that you respect our wish to tell you about Christianity and the difference it makes to us. Listen and observe- your response is entirely up to you! You may like to make it a dialogue where we listen to each other and grow in mutual understanding. Seeking truth is our common aim.

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