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Our Ministries - Overview

Sunday Worship is relaxed, friendly and informal. We use a wide range of hymns and songs, and the N.I.V. Bible is our main translation.

Our part of town has quite a diverse population, and we welcome people from several nationalities across Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and Asia.

We believe in serving our community as best as we can; activities for different age groups reflect this.  Weekly meetings are supplemented by special events.

Sunday services:

10.30am - 11.45am - Morning Worship (with Children’s Ministry)


We have an open Communion table on two Sunday’s of every month, which means that anyone who loves Jesus is welcome to take the bread and wine.

Tuesday Fellowship (Women's Friendly)  - 2:30pm

“Coffee Time” - Wednesday 10:00am - 12noon. Drop in for refreshments and good conversation. A lively crowd with a warm welcome!

Lunch Club - Thursday 12:30pm - 2pm during school terms. Aimed at an older clientele, great food and company. Spaces are now available.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast- 2nd Saturday of every month at 7.30am

Ladies’ Coffee and Prayer is held monthly.

Homegroups meet on Wednesday  & Thursday evenings in homes, and a daytime group meets on Tuesday mornings. Details on request.  Friendship, Bible study, prayer, food- encouragement and mutual support come from a small group where you can really belong.

Other special events are held from time to time; and we offer Believer’s Baptism and Child Dedications. Talk to any member of the leadership team for more information.

For those of you who come along a weekly news bulletin is available at our Sunday Services. If you want further information then please either come along or alternatively contact us via phone, email, Facebook or via our contact form. 

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